/** * @module color-parse */ import names from 'color-name' export default parse /** * Base hues * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-color/#typedef-named-hue */ //FIXME: use external hue detector var baseHues = { red: 0, orange: 60, yellow: 120, green: 180, blue: 240, purple: 300 } /** * Parse color from the string passed * * @return {Object} A space indicator `space`, an array `values` and `alpha` */ function parse (cstr) { var m, parts = [], alpha = 1, space if (typeof cstr === 'string') { //keyword if (names[cstr]) { parts = names[cstr].slice() space = 'rgb' } //reserved words else if (cstr === 'transparent') { alpha = 0 space = 'rgb' parts = [0,0,0] } //hex else if (/^#[A-Fa-f0-9]+$/.test(cstr)) { var base = cstr.slice(1) var size = base.length var isShort = size <= 4 alpha = 1 if (isShort) { parts = [ parseInt(base[0] + base[0], 16), parseInt(base[1] + base[1], 16), parseInt(base[2] + base[2], 16) ] if (size === 4) { alpha = parseInt(base[3] + base[3], 16) / 255 } } else { parts = [ parseInt(base[0] + base[1], 16), parseInt(base[2] + base[3], 16), parseInt(base[4] + base[5], 16) ] if (size === 8) { alpha = parseInt(base[6] + base[7], 16) / 255 } } if (!parts[0]) parts[0] = 0 if (!parts[1]) parts[1] = 0 if (!parts[2]) parts[2] = 0 space = 'rgb' } //color space else if (m = /^((?:rgb|hs[lvb]|hwb|cmyk?|xy[zy]|gray|lab|lchu?v?|[ly]uv|lms)a?)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/.exec(cstr)) { var name = m[1] var isRGB = name === 'rgb' var base = name.replace(/a$/, '') space = base var size = base === 'cmyk' ? 4 : base === 'gray' ? 1 : 3 parts = m[2].trim() .split(/\s*[,\/]\s*|\s+/) .map(function (x, i) { // if (/%$/.test(x)) { //alpha if (i === size) return parseFloat(x) / 100 //rgb if (base === 'rgb') return parseFloat(x) * 255 / 100 return parseFloat(x) } //hue else if (base[i] === 'h') { // if (/deg$/.test(x)) { return parseFloat(x) } // else if (baseHues[x] !== undefined) { return baseHues[x] } } return parseFloat(x) }) if (name === base) parts.push(1) alpha = (isRGB) ? 1 : (parts[size] === undefined) ? 1 : parts[size] parts = parts.slice(0, size) } //named channels case else if (cstr.length > 10 && /[0-9](?:\s|\/)/.test(cstr)) { parts = cstr.match(/([0-9]+)/g).map(function (value) { return parseFloat(value) }) space = cstr.match(/([a-z])/ig).join('').toLowerCase() } } //numeric case else if (!isNaN(cstr)) { space = 'rgb' parts = [cstr >>> 16, (cstr & 0x00ff00) >>> 8, cstr & 0x0000ff] } //array-like else if (Array.isArray(cstr) || cstr.length) { parts = [cstr[0], cstr[1], cstr[2]] space = 'rgb' alpha = cstr.length === 4 ? cstr[3] : 1 } //object case - detects css cases of rgb and hsl else if (cstr instanceof Object) { if (cstr.r != null || cstr.red != null || cstr.R != null) { space = 'rgb' parts = [ cstr.r || cstr.red || cstr.R || 0, cstr.g || cstr.green || cstr.G || 0, cstr.b || cstr.blue || cstr.B || 0 ] } else { space = 'hsl' parts = [ cstr.h || cstr.hue || cstr.H || 0, cstr.s || cstr.saturation || cstr.S || 0, cstr.l || cstr.lightness || cstr.L || cstr.b || cstr.brightness ] } alpha = cstr.a || cstr.alpha || cstr.opacity || 1 if (cstr.opacity != null) alpha /= 100 } return { space: space, values: parts, alpha: alpha } }