* Column visibility buttons for Buttons and DataTables.
* © SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license
import jQuery from 'jquery';
import DataTable from 'datatables.net';
import Buttons from 'datatables.net-buttons';
// Allow reassignment of the $ variable
let $ = jQuery;
$.extend(DataTable.ext.buttons, {
// A collection of column visibility buttons
colvis: function (dt, conf) {
var node = null;
var buttonConf = {
extend: 'collection',
init: function (dt, n) {
node = n;
text: function (dt) {
return dt.i18n('buttons.colvis', 'Column visibility');
className: 'buttons-colvis',
closeButton: false,
buttons: [
extend: 'columnsToggle',
columns: conf.columns,
columnText: conf.columnText
// Rebuild the collection with the new column structure if columns are reordered
dt.on('column-reorder.dt' + conf.namespace, function () {
dt.button(null, dt.button(null, node).node()).collectionRebuild([
extend: 'columnsToggle',
columns: conf.columns,
columnText: conf.columnText
return buttonConf;
// Selected columns with individual buttons - toggle column visibility
columnsToggle: function (dt, conf) {
var columns = dt
.map(function (idx) {
return {
extend: 'columnToggle',
columns: idx,
columnText: conf.columnText
return columns;
// Single button to toggle column visibility
columnToggle: function (dt, conf) {
return {
extend: 'columnVisibility',
columns: conf.columns,
columnText: conf.columnText
// Selected columns with individual buttons - set column visibility
columnsVisibility: function (dt, conf) {
var columns = dt
.map(function (idx) {
return {
extend: 'columnVisibility',
columns: idx,
visibility: conf.visibility,
columnText: conf.columnText
return columns;
// Single button to set column visibility
columnVisibility: {
columns: undefined, // column selector
text: function (dt, button, conf) {
return conf._columnText(dt, conf);
className: 'buttons-columnVisibility',
action: function (e, dt, button, conf) {
var col = dt.columns(conf.columns);
var curr = col.visible();
conf.visibility !== undefined ? conf.visibility : !(curr.length ? curr[0] : false)
init: function (dt, button, conf) {
var that = this;
button.attr('data-cv-idx', conf.columns);
dt.on('column-visibility.dt' + conf.namespace, function (e, settings) {
if (!settings.bDestroying && settings.nTable == dt.settings()[0].nTable) {
}).on('column-reorder.dt' + conf.namespace, function () {
// Button has been removed from the DOM
if (conf.destroying) {
if (dt.columns(conf.columns).count() !== 1) {
// This button controls the same column index but the text for the column has
// changed
that.text(conf._columnText(dt, conf));
// Since its a different column, we need to check its visibility
destroy: function (dt, button, conf) {
dt.off('column-visibility.dt' + conf.namespace).off(
'column-reorder.dt' + conf.namespace
_columnText: function (dt, conf) {
if (typeof conf.text === 'string') {
return conf.text;
var title = dt.column(conf.columns).title();
var idx = dt.column(conf.columns).index();
title = title
.replace(/\n/g, ' ') // remove new lines
/gi, ' ') // replace line breaks with spaces