import jQuery from 'jquery'; import DataTable from ''; // Allow reassignment of the $ variable let $ = jQuery; DataTable.feature.register('inputPaging', function (settings, opts) { let api = new DataTable.Api(settings); let tags = stylingStructure(api); let options = Object.assign({ firstLast: true, previousNext: true, pageOf: true }, opts); // Create the DOM elements for the paging control let wrapper = createElement(tags.wrapper); let first = createElement(tags.item, api.i18n('oPaginate.sFirst', '\u00AB'), () =>'first').draw(false)); let previous = createElement(tags.item, api.i18n('oPaginate.sPrevious', '\u2039'), () =>'previous').draw(false)); let next = createElement(tags.item, api.i18n('oPaginate.sNext', '\u203A'), () =>'next').draw(false)); let last = createElement(tags.item, api.i18n('oPaginate.sLast', '\u00BB'), () =>'last').draw(false)); let box = createElement(tags.inputItem); let input = createElement(tags.input); let of = createElement({ tag: 'span', className: '' }); input.setAttribute('type', 'text'); input.setAttribute('inputmode', 'numeric'); input.setAttribute('pattern', '[0-9]*'); // Assemble the DOM structure if (options.firstLast) { wrapper.appendChild(first); } if (options.previousNext) { wrapper.appendChild(previous); } wrapper.appendChild(box); if (options.previousNext) { wrapper.appendChild(next); } if (options.firstLast) { wrapper.appendChild(last); } box.appendChild(input); if (options.pageOf) { box.appendChild(of); } // Block characters other than numbers input.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) { if (e.charCode < 48 || e.charCode > 57) { e.preventDefault(); } }); // On new value, redraw the table input.addEventListener('input', function () { if (input.value) { - 1).draw(false); } // Auto adjust the width so the content is visible = (input.value.length + 2) + 'ch'; }); api.on('draw', () => { let info =; // Update the classes for the "jump" buttons to show what is available setState(first, tags.item.disabled, === 0); setState(previous, tags.item.disabled, === 0); setState(next, tags.item.disabled, === info.pages - 1); setState(last, tags.item.disabled, === info.pages - 1); // Set the new page value into the input box if (input.value !== + 1) { input.value = + 1; } // Show how many pages there are of.textContent = ' / ' + info.pages; }); return wrapper; }); function setState(el, disabledClass, disabled) { el.classList.toggle(disabledClass, disabled); let a = el.querySelector('a'); if (a) { if (disabled) { a.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { a.removeAttribute('disabled'); } } } /** * Get details about the DOM structure that input paging needs to build * @returns DOM information object */ function stylingStructure(api) { let container = api.table().container(); let classList = container.classList; if (classList.contains('dt-bootstrap5') || classList.contains('dt-bootstrap4') || classList.contains('dt-bootstrap')) { return { wrapper: { tag: 'ul', className: 'dt-inputpaging pagination', }, item: { tag: 'li', className: 'page-item', disabled: 'disabled', liner: { tag: 'a', className: 'page-link', } }, inputItem: { tag: 'li', className: 'page-item dt-paging-input' }, input: { tag: 'input', className: '', } }; } else if (classList.contains('dt-bulma')) { return { wrapper: { tag: 'ul', className: 'dt-inputpaging pagination-list', }, item: { tag: 'li', className: '', disabled: 'disabled', liner: { tag: 'a', className: 'pagination-link', } }, inputItem: { tag: 'li', className: 'dt-paging-input' }, input: { tag: 'input', className: '', } }; } else if (classList.contains('dt-foundation')) { return { wrapper: { tag: 'ul', className: 'dt-inputpaging pagination', }, item: { tag: 'li', className: '', disabled: 'disabled', liner: { tag: 'a', className: '', } }, inputItem: { tag: 'li', className: 'dt-paging-input' }, input: { tag: 'input', className: '', } }; } else if (classList.contains('dt-semanticUI')) { return { wrapper: { tag: 'div', className: 'dt-inputpaging ui unstackable pagination menu', }, item: { tag: 'a', className: 'page-link item', disabled: 'disabled' }, inputItem: { tag: 'div', className: 'dt-paging-input' }, input: { tag: 'input', className: 'ui input', } }; } return { wrapper: { tag: 'div', className: 'dt-inputpaging dt-paging', }, item: { tag: 'button', className: 'dt-paging-button', disabled: 'disabled', }, inputItem: { tag: 'div', className: 'dt-paging-input', liner: { tag: '', className: '' } }, input: { tag: 'input', className: '', } }; } /** * Create a new element * * @param opts Tag and class name * @param text Text to show in the element * @param fn Click event handler * @returns Element */ function createElement(opts, text, fn) { let el = document.createElement(opts.tag); el.className = opts.className; if (opts.liner && opts.liner.tag) { let liner = createElement(opts.liner, text); el.appendChild(liner); } else { // Bottom nesting level if (text) { el.textContent = text; } } // Top level only if (fn) { el.addEventListener('click', fn); } return el; } export default DataTable;