/*! Scroller 2.4.3 * © SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license */ import jQuery from 'jquery'; import DataTable from 'datatables.net'; // Allow reassignment of the $ variable let $ = jQuery; /** * @summary Scroller * @description Virtual rendering for DataTables * @version 2.4.3 * @copyright SpryMedia Ltd. * * This source file is free software, available under the following license: * MIT license - http://datatables.net/license/mit * * This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license files for details. * * For details please refer to: http://www.datatables.net */ /** * Scroller is a virtual rendering plug-in for DataTables which allows large * datasets to be drawn on screen very quickly. What the virtual rendering means * is that only the visible portion of the table (and a bit to either side to make * the scrolling smooth) is drawn, while the scrolling container gives the * visual impression that the whole table is visible. This is done by making use * of the pagination abilities of DataTables and moving the table around in the * scrolling container DataTables adds to the page. The scrolling container is * forced to the height it would be for the full table display using an extra * element. * * Note that rows in the table MUST all be the same height. Information in a cell * which expands on to multiple lines will cause some odd behaviour in the scrolling. * * Scroller is initialised by simply including the letter 'S' in the sDom for the * table you want to have this feature enabled on. Note that the 'S' must come * AFTER the 't' parameter in `dom`. * * Key features include: * * * @class * @constructor * @global * @param {object} dt DataTables settings object or API instance * @param {object} [opts={}] Configuration object for Scroller. Options * are defined by {@link Scroller.defaults} * * @requires jQuery 1.7+ * @requires DataTables 1.11.0+ */ var Scroller = function (dt, opts) { /* Sanity check - you just know it will happen */ if (!(this instanceof Scroller)) { alert( "Scroller warning: Scroller must be initialised with the 'new' keyword." ); return; } if (opts === undefined) { opts = {}; } var dtApi = $.fn.dataTable.Api(dt); /** * Settings object which contains customisable information for the Scroller instance * @namespace * @private * @extends Scroller.defaults */ this.s = { /** * DataTables settings object * @type object * @default Passed in as first parameter to constructor */ dt: dtApi.settings()[0], /** * DataTables API instance * @type DataTable.Api */ dtApi: dtApi, /** * Pixel location of the top of the drawn table in the viewport * @type int * @default 0 */ tableTop: 0, /** * Pixel location of the bottom of the drawn table in the viewport * @type int * @default 0 */ tableBottom: 0, /** * Pixel location of the boundary for when the next data set should be loaded and drawn * when scrolling up the way. * @type int * @default 0 * @private */ redrawTop: 0, /** * Pixel location of the boundary for when the next data set should be loaded and drawn * when scrolling down the way. Note that this is actually calculated as the offset from * the top. * @type int * @default 0 * @private */ redrawBottom: 0, /** * Auto row height or not indicator * @type bool * @default 0 */ autoHeight: true, /** * Number of rows calculated as visible in the visible viewport * @type int * @default 0 */ viewportRows: 0, /** * setTimeout reference for state saving, used when state saving is enabled in the DataTable * and when the user scrolls the viewport in order to stop the cookie set taking too much * CPU! * @type int * @default 0 */ stateTO: null, stateSaveThrottle: function () {}, /** * setTimeout reference for the redraw, used when server-side processing is enabled in the * DataTables in order to prevent DoSing the server * @type int * @default null */ drawTO: null, heights: { jump: null, page: null, virtual: null, scroll: null, /** * Height of rows in the table * @type int * @default 0 */ row: null, /** * Pixel height of the viewport * @type int * @default 0 */ viewport: null, labelHeight: 0, xbar: 0 }, topRowFloat: 0, scrollDrawDiff: null, loaderVisible: false, forceReposition: false, baseRowTop: 0, baseScrollTop: 0, mousedown: false, lastScrollTop: 0 }; // @todo The defaults should extend a `c` property and the internal settings // only held in the `s` property. At the moment they are mixed this.s = $.extend(this.s, Scroller.oDefaults, opts); // Workaround for row height being read from height object (see above comment) this.s.heights.row = this.s.rowHeight; /** * DOM elements used by the class instance * @private * @namespace * */ this.dom = { force: document.createElement('div'), label: $('
'), scroller: null, table: null, loader: null }; // Attach the instance to the DataTables instance so it can be accessed in // future. Don't initialise Scroller twice on the same table if (this.s.dt.oScroller) { return; } this.s.dt.oScroller = this; /* Let's do it */ this.construct(); }; $.extend(Scroller.prototype, { /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Public methods - to be exposed via the DataTables API */ /** * Calculate and store information about how many rows are to be displayed * in the scrolling viewport, based on current dimensions in the browser's * rendering. This can be particularly useful if the table is initially * drawn in a hidden element - for example in a tab. * @param {bool} [redraw=true] Redraw the table automatically after the recalculation, with * the new dimensions forming the basis for the draw. * @returns {void} */ measure: function (redraw) { if (this.s.autoHeight) { this._calcRowHeight(); } var heights = this.s.heights; if (heights.row) { heights.viewport = this._parseHeight( $(this.dom.scroller).css('max-height') ); this.s.viewportRows = parseInt(heights.viewport / heights.row, 10) + 1; this.s.dt._iDisplayLength = this.s.viewportRows * this.s.displayBuffer; } var label = this.dom.label.outerHeight(); heights.xbar = this.dom.scroller.offsetHeight - this.dom.scroller.clientHeight; heights.labelHeight = label; if (redraw === undefined || redraw) { this.s.dtApi.draw(false); } }, /** * Get information about current displayed record range. This corresponds to * the information usually displayed in the "Info" block of the table. * * @returns {object} info as an object: * { * start: {int}, // the 0-indexed record at the top of the viewport * end: {int}, // the 0-indexed record at the bottom of the viewport * } */ pageInfo: function () { var dt = this.s.dt, iScrollTop = this.dom.scroller.scrollTop, iTotal = dt.fnRecordsDisplay(), iPossibleEnd = Math.ceil( this.pixelsToRow( iScrollTop + this.s.heights.viewport, false, this.s.ani ) ); return { start: Math.floor(this.pixelsToRow(iScrollTop, false, this.s.ani)), end: iTotal < iPossibleEnd ? iTotal - 1 : iPossibleEnd - 1 }; }, /** * Calculate the row number that will be found at the given pixel position * (y-scroll). * * Please note that when the height of the full table exceeds 1 million * pixels, Scroller switches into a non-linear mode for the scrollbar to fit * all of the records into a finite area, but this function returns a linear * value (relative to the last non-linear positioning). * @param {int} pixels Offset from top to calculate the row number of * @param {int} [intParse=true] If an integer value should be returned * @param {int} [virtual=false] Perform the calculations in the virtual domain * @returns {int} Row index */ pixelsToRow: function (pixels, intParse, virtual) { var diff = pixels - this.s.baseScrollTop; var row = virtual ? (this._domain('physicalToVirtual', this.s.baseScrollTop) + diff) / this.s.heights.row : diff / this.s.heights.row + this.s.baseRowTop; return intParse || intParse === undefined ? parseInt(row, 10) : row; }, /** * Calculate the pixel position from the top of the scrolling container for * a given row * @param {int} iRow Row number to calculate the position of * @returns {int} Pixels */ rowToPixels: function (rowIdx, intParse, virtual) { var pixels; var diff = rowIdx - this.s.baseRowTop; if (virtual) { pixels = this._domain('virtualToPhysical', this.s.baseScrollTop); pixels += diff * this.s.heights.row; } else { pixels = this.s.baseScrollTop; pixels += diff * this.s.heights.row; } return intParse || intParse === undefined ? parseInt(pixels, 10) : pixels; }, /** * Calculate the row number that will be found at the given pixel position (y-scroll) * @param {int} row Row index to scroll to * @param {bool} [animate=true] Animate the transition or not * @returns {void} */ scrollToRow: function (row, animate) { var that = this; var ani = false; var px = this.rowToPixels(row); // We need to know if the table will redraw or not before doing the // scroll. If it will not redraw, then we need to use the currently // displayed table, and scroll with the physical pixels. Otherwise, we // need to calculate the table's new position from the virtual // transform. var preRows = ((this.s.displayBuffer - 1) / 2) * this.s.viewportRows; var drawRow = row - preRows; if (drawRow < 0) { drawRow = 0; } if ( (px > this.s.redrawBottom || px < this.s.redrawTop) && this.s.dt._iDisplayStart !== drawRow ) { ani = true; px = this._domain('virtualToPhysical', row * this.s.heights.row); // If we need records outside the current draw region, but the new // scrolling position is inside that (due to the non-linear nature // for larger numbers of records), we need to force position update. if (this.s.redrawTop < px && px < this.s.redrawBottom) { this.s.forceReposition = true; animate = false; } } if (animate === undefined || animate) { this.s.ani = ani; $(this.dom.scroller).animate( { scrollTop: px }, function () { // This needs to happen after the animation has completed and // the final scroll event fired setTimeout(function () { that.s.ani = false; }, 250); } ); } else { $(this.dom.scroller).scrollTop(px); } }, /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructor */ /** * Initialisation for Scroller * @returns {void} * @private */ construct: function () { var that = this; var dt = this.s.dtApi; /* Sanity check */ if (!this.s.dt.oFeatures.bPaginate) { throw new Error( 'Pagination must be enabled for Scroller to operate' ); } /* Insert a div element that we can use to force the DT scrolling container to * the height that would be required if the whole table was being displayed */ this.dom.force.style.position = 'relative'; this.dom.force.style.top = '0px'; this.dom.force.style.left = '0px'; this.dom.force.style.width = '1px'; this.dom.scroller = dt.table().node().parentNode; this.dom.scroller.appendChild(this.dom.force); this.dom.scroller.style.position = 'relative'; this.dom.table = $('>table', this.dom.scroller)[0]; this.dom.table.style.position = 'absolute'; this.dom.table.style.top = '0px'; this.dom.table.style.left = '0px'; // Add class to 'announce' that we are a Scroller table $(dt.table().container()).addClass('dts DTS'); this.dom.label.appendTo(this.dom.scroller); /* Initial size calculations */ if (this.s.heights.row && this.s.heights.row != 'auto') { this.s.autoHeight = false; } // Scrolling callback to see if a page change is needed this.s.ingnoreScroll = true; $(this.dom.scroller).on('scroll.dt-scroller', function (e) { that._scroll.call(that); }); // In iOS we catch the touchstart event in case the user tries to scroll // while the display is already scrolling $(this.dom.scroller).on('touchstart.dt-scroller', function () { that._scroll.call(that); }); $(this.dom.scroller) .on('mousedown.dt-scroller', function () { that.s.mousedown = true; }) .on('mouseup.dt-scroller', function () { that.s.labelVisible = false; that.s.mousedown = false; that.dom.label.css('display', 'none'); }); // On resize, update the information element, since the number of rows shown might change $(window).on('resize.dt-scroller', function () { that.measure(false); that._info(); }); // Add a state saving parameter to the DT state saving so we can restore the exact // position of the scrolling. var initialStateSave = true; var loadedState = dt.state.loaded(); dt.on('stateSaveParams.scroller', function (e, settings, data) { if (initialStateSave && loadedState) { data.scroller = loadedState.scroller; initialStateSave = false; if (data.scroller) { that.s.lastScrollTop = data.scroller.scrollTop; } } else { // Need to used the saved position on init data.scroller = { topRow: that.s.topRowFloat, baseRowTop: that.s.baseRowTop }; } }); dt.on('stateLoadParams.scroller', function (e, settings, data) { if (data.scroller !== undefined) { that.scrollToRow(data.scroller.topRow); } }); this.measure(false); if (loadedState && loadedState.scroller) { this.s.topRowFloat = loadedState.scroller.topRow; this.s.baseRowTop = loadedState.scroller.baseRowTop; // Reconstruct the scroll positions from the rows - it is possible the // row height has changed e.g. if the styling framework has changed. // The scroll top is used in `_draw` further down. this.s.baseScrollTop = this.s.baseRowTop * this.s.heights.row; loadedState.scroller.scrollTop = this._domain('physicalToVirtual', this.s.topRowFloat * this.s.heights.row); } that.s.stateSaveThrottle = DataTable.util.throttle(function () { that.s.dtApi.state.save(); }, 500); dt.on('init.scroller', function () { that.measure(false); // Setting to `jump` will instruct _draw to calculate the scroll top // position that.s.scrollType = 'jump'; that._draw(); // Update the scroller when the DataTable is redrawn dt.on('draw.scroller', function () { that._draw(); }); }); // Set height before the draw happens, allowing everything else to update // on draw complete without worry for roder. dt.on('preDraw.dt.scroller', function () { that._scrollForce(); }); // Destructor dt.on('destroy.scroller', function () { $(window).off('resize.dt-scroller'); $(that.dom.scroller).off('.dt-scroller'); $(that.s.dt.nTable).off('.scroller'); $(that.s.dt.nTableWrapper).removeClass('DTS'); $('div.DTS_Loading', that.dom.scroller.parentNode).remove(); that.dom.table.style.position = ''; that.dom.table.style.top = ''; that.dom.table.style.left = ''; }); }, /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private methods */ /** * Automatic calculation of table row height. This is just a little tricky here as using * initialisation DataTables has tale the table out of the document, so we need to create * a new table and insert it into the document, calculate the row height and then whip the * table out. * @returns {void} * @private */ _calcRowHeight: function () { var dt = this.s.dt; var origTable = dt.nTable; var nTable = origTable.cloneNode(false); var tbody = $('').appendTo(nTable); var dtClasses = dt.oClasses; // Different locations for classes in DT2 var classes = DataTable.versionCheck('2') ? { container: dtClasses.container, scroller: dtClasses.scrolling.container, body: dtClasses.scrolling.body } : { container: dtClasses.sWrapper, scroller: dtClasses.sScrollWrapper, body: dtClasses.sScrollBody }; var container = $( '
' ); // Want 3 rows in the sizing table so :first-child and :last-child // CSS styles don't come into play - take the size of the middle row $('tbody tr:lt(4)', origTable).clone().appendTo(tbody); var rowsCount = $('tr', tbody).length; if (rowsCount === 1) { tbody.prepend(' '); tbody.append(' '); } else { for (; rowsCount < 3; rowsCount++) { tbody.append(' '); } } $('div.' + classes.body, container).append(nTable); // If initialised using `dom`, use the holding element as the insert point var insertEl = this.s.dt.nHolding || origTable.parentNode; if (!$(insertEl).is(':visible')) { insertEl = 'body'; } // Remove form element links as they might select over others (particularly radio and checkboxes) container.find('input').removeAttr('name'); container.appendTo(insertEl); this.s.heights.row = $('tr', tbody).eq(1).outerHeight(); container.remove(); }, /** * Draw callback function which is fired when the DataTable is redrawn. The main function of * this method is to position the drawn table correctly the scrolling container for the rows * that is displays as a result of the scrolling position. * @returns {void} * @private */ _draw: function () { var that = this, heights = this.s.heights, iScrollTop = this.dom.scroller.scrollTop, iTableHeight = $(this.s.dt.nTable).height(), displayStart = this.s.dt._iDisplayStart, displayLen = this.s.dt._iDisplayLength, displayEnd = this.s.dt.fnRecordsDisplay(), viewportEndY = iScrollTop + heights.viewport; // Disable the scroll event listener while we are updating the DOM this.s.skip = true; // If paging is reset if ( (this.s.dt.bSorted || this.s.dt.bFiltered) && displayStart === 0 && !this.s.dt._drawHold ) { this.s.topRowFloat = 0; } iScrollTop = this.s.scrollType === 'jump' ? this._domain( 'virtualToPhysical', this.s.topRowFloat * heights.row ) : iScrollTop; // Store positional information so positional calculations can be based // upon the current table draw position this.s.baseScrollTop = iScrollTop; this.s.baseRowTop = this.s.topRowFloat; // Position the table in the virtual scroller var tableTop = iScrollTop - (this.s.topRowFloat - displayStart) * heights.row; if (displayStart === 0) { tableTop = 0; } else if (displayStart + displayLen >= displayEnd) { tableTop = heights.scroll - iTableHeight; } else { var iTableBottomY = tableTop + iTableHeight; if (iTableBottomY < viewportEndY) { // The last row of the data is above the end of the viewport. // This means the background is visible, which is not what the user expects. var newTableTop = viewportEndY - iTableHeight; var diffPx = newTableTop - tableTop; this.s.baseScrollTop += diffPx + 1; // Update start row number in footer. tableTop = newTableTop; // Move table so last line of data is at the bottom of the viewport. } } this.dom.table.style.top = tableTop + 'px'; /* Cache some information for the scroller */ this.s.tableTop = tableTop; this.s.tableBottom = iTableHeight + this.s.tableTop; // Calculate the boundaries for where a redraw will be triggered by the // scroll event listener var boundaryPx = (iScrollTop - this.s.tableTop) * this.s.boundaryScale; this.s.redrawTop = iScrollTop - boundaryPx; this.s.redrawBottom = iScrollTop + boundaryPx > heights.scroll - heights.viewport - heights.row ? heights.scroll - heights.viewport - heights.row : iScrollTop + boundaryPx; this.s.skip = false; if (that.s.ingnoreScroll) { // Restore the scrolling position that was saved by DataTable's state // saving Note that this is done on the second draw when data is Ajax // sourced, and the first draw when DOM soured if ( this.s.dt.oFeatures.bStateSave && this.s.dt.oLoadedState !== null && typeof this.s.dt.oLoadedState.scroller != 'undefined' ) { // A quirk of DataTables is that the draw callback will occur on an // empty set if Ajax sourced, but not if server-side processing. var ajaxSourced = (this.s.dt.sAjaxSource || that.s.dt.ajax) && !this.s.dt.oFeatures.bServerSide ? true : false; if ( (ajaxSourced && this.s.dt.iDraw >= 2) || (!ajaxSourced && this.s.dt.iDraw >= 1) ) { setTimeout(function () { $(that.dom.scroller).scrollTop( that.s.dt.oLoadedState.scroller.scrollTop ); // In order to prevent layout thrashing we need another // small delay setTimeout(function () { that.s.ingnoreScroll = false; }, 0); }, 0); } } else { that.s.ingnoreScroll = false; } } // Because of the order of the DT callbacks, the info update will // take precedence over the one we want here. So a 'thread' break is // needed. Only add the thread break if bInfo is set if (this.s.dt.oFeatures.bInfo) { setTimeout(function () { that._info.call(that); }, 0); } $(this.s.dt.nTable).triggerHandler('position.dts.dt', tableTop); }, /** * Convert from one domain to another. The physical domain is the actual * pixel count on the screen, while the virtual is if we had browsers which * had scrolling containers of infinite height (i.e. the absolute value) * * @param {string} dir Domain transform direction, `virtualToPhysical` or * `physicalToVirtual` * @returns {number} Calculated transform * @private */ _domain: function (dir, val) { var heights = this.s.heights; var diff; var magic = 10000; // the point at which the non-linear calculations start to happen // If the virtual and physical height match, then we use a linear // transform between the two, allowing the scrollbar to be linear if (heights.virtual === heights.scroll) { return val; } // In the first 10k pixels and the last 10k pixels, we want the scrolling // to be linear. After that it can be non-linear. It would be unusual for // anyone to mouse wheel through that much. if (val < magic) { return val; } else if ( dir === 'virtualToPhysical' && val >= heights.virtual - magic ) { diff = heights.virtual - val; return heights.scroll - diff; } else if (dir === 'physicalToVirtual' && val >= heights.scroll - magic) { diff = heights.scroll - val; return heights.virtual - diff; } // Otherwise, we want a non-linear scrollbar to take account of the // redrawing regions at the start and end of the table, otherwise these // can stutter badly - on large tables 30px (for example) scroll might // be hundreds of rows, so the table would be redrawing every few px at // the start and end. Use a simple linear eq. to stop this, effectively // causing a kink in the scrolling ratio. It does mean the scrollbar is // non-linear, but with such massive data sets, the scrollbar is going // to be a best guess anyway var m = (heights.virtual - magic - magic) / (heights.scroll - magic - magic); var c = magic - m * magic; return dir === 'virtualToPhysical' ? (val - c) / m : m * val + c; }, /** * Update any information elements that are controlled by the DataTable based on the scrolling * viewport and what rows are visible in it. This function basically acts in the same way as * _fnUpdateInfo in DataTables, and effectively replaces that function. * @returns {void} * @private */ _info: function () { if (!this.s.dt.oFeatures.bInfo) { return; } var dt = this.s.dt, dtApi = this.s.dtApi, language = dt.oLanguage, info = dtApi.page.info(), total = info.recordsDisplay, max = info.recordsTotal; // If the scroll type is `cont` (continuous) we need to use `baseRowTop`, which // also means we need to work out the difference between the current scroll position // and the "base" for when it was required var diffRows = (this.s.lastScrollTop - this.s.baseScrollTop) / this.s.heights.row; var start = Math.floor(this.s.baseRowTop + diffRows) + 1; // For a jump scroll type, we just use the straightforward calculation based on // `topRowFloat` if (this.s.scrollType === 'jump') { start = Math.floor(this.s.topRowFloat) + 1; } var possibleEnd = start + Math.floor(this.s.heights.viewport / this.s.heights.row), end = possibleEnd > total ? total : possibleEnd, result; if (total === 0 && total == max) { /* Empty record set */ result = language.sInfoEmpty + language.sInfoPostFix; } else if (total === 0) { // Empty record set after filtering result = language.sInfoEmpty + ' ' + language.sInfoFiltered + language.sInfoPostFix; } else if (total == max) { // Normal record set result = language.sInfo + language.sInfoPostFix; } else { // Record set after filtering result = language.sInfo + ' ' + language.sInfoFiltered + language.sInfoPostFix; } result = this._macros(result, start, end, max, total); var callback = language.fnInfoCallback; if (callback) { result = callback.call( dt.oInstance, dt, start, end, max, total, result ); } // DT 1.x features var n = dt.aanFeatures.i; if (typeof n != 'undefined') { for (var i = 0, iLen = n.length; i < iLen; i++) { $(n[i]).html(result); } $(dt.nTable).triggerHandler('info.dt'); } // DT 2.x features $('div.dt-info', dtApi.table().container()).each(function () { $(this).html(result); dtApi.trigger('info', [dtApi.settings()[0], this, result]); }); }, /** * String replacement for info display. Basically the same as what DataTables does. * * @param {*} str * @param {*} start * @param {*} end * @param {*} max * @param {*} total * @returns Formatted string */ _macros: function (str, start, end, max, total) { var api = this.s.dtApi; var settings = this.s.dt; var formatter = settings.fnFormatNumber; return str .replace(/_START_/g, formatter.call(settings, start)) .replace(/_END_/g, formatter.call(settings, end)) .replace(/_MAX_/g, formatter.call(settings, max)) .replace(/_TOTAL_/g, formatter.call(settings, total)) .replace(/_ENTRIES_/g, api.i18n('entries', '')) .replace(/_ENTRIES-MAX_/g, api.i18n('entries', '', max)) .replace(/_ENTRIES-TOTAL_/g, api.i18n('entries', '', total)); }, /** * Parse CSS height property string as number * * An attempt is made to parse the string as a number. Currently supported units are 'px', * 'vh', and 'rem'. 'em' is partially supported; it works as long as the parent element's * font size matches the body element. Zero is returned for unrecognized strings. * @param {string} cssHeight CSS height property string * @returns {number} height * @private */ _parseHeight: function (cssHeight) { var height; var matches = /^([+-]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+))(px|em|rem|vh)$/.exec( cssHeight ); if (matches === null) { return 0; } var value = parseFloat(matches[1]); var unit = matches[2]; if (unit === 'px') { height = value; } else if (unit === 'vh') { height = (value / 100) * $(window).height(); } else if (unit === 'rem') { height = value * parseFloat($(':root').css('font-size')); } else if (unit === 'em') { height = value * parseFloat($('body').css('font-size')); } return height ? height : 0; }, /** * Scrolling function - fired whenever the scrolling position is changed. * This method needs to use the stored values to see if the table should be * redrawn as we are moving towards the end of the information that is * currently drawn or not. If needed, then it will redraw the table based on * the new position. * @returns {void} * @private */ _scroll: function () { var that = this, heights = this.s.heights, iScrollTop = this.dom.scroller.scrollTop, iTopRow; if (this.s.skip) { return; } if (this.s.ingnoreScroll) { return; } if (iScrollTop === this.s.lastScrollTop) { return; } /* If the table has been sorted or filtered, then we use the redraw that * DataTables as done, rather than performing our own */ if (this.s.dt.bFiltered || this.s.dt.bSorted) { this.s.lastScrollTop = 0; return; } /* We don't want to state save on every scroll event - that's heavy * handed, so use a timeout to update the state saving only when the * scrolling has finished */ clearTimeout(this.s.stateTO); this.s.stateTO = setTimeout(function () { that.s.dtApi.state.save(); // We can also use this to ensure that the `info` element is correct // since there can be a little scroll after the last scroll event! that._info(); }, 250); this.s.scrollType = Math.abs(iScrollTop - this.s.lastScrollTop) > heights.viewport ? 'jump' : 'cont'; this.s.topRowFloat = this.s.scrollType === 'cont' ? this.pixelsToRow(iScrollTop, false, false) : this._domain('physicalToVirtual', iScrollTop) / heights.row; if (this.s.topRowFloat < 0) { this.s.topRowFloat = 0; } /* Check if the scroll point is outside the trigger boundary which would required * a DataTables redraw */ if ( this.s.forceReposition || iScrollTop < this.s.redrawTop || iScrollTop > this.s.redrawBottom ) { var preRows = Math.ceil( ((this.s.displayBuffer - 1) / 2) * this.s.viewportRows ); iTopRow = parseInt(this.s.topRowFloat, 10) - preRows; this.s.forceReposition = false; if (iTopRow <= 0) { /* At the start of the table */ iTopRow = 0; } else if ( iTopRow + this.s.dt._iDisplayLength > this.s.dt.fnRecordsDisplay() ) { /* At the end of the table */ iTopRow = this.s.dt.fnRecordsDisplay() - this.s.dt._iDisplayLength; if (iTopRow < 0) { iTopRow = 0; } } else if (iTopRow % 2 !== 0) { // For the row-striping classes (odd/even) we want only to start // on evens otherwise the stripes will change between draws and // look rubbish iTopRow++; } // Store calcuated value, in case the following condition is not met, but so // that the draw function will still use it. this.s.targetTop = iTopRow; if (iTopRow != this.s.dt._iDisplayStart) { /* Cache the new table position for quick lookups */ this.s.tableTop = $(this.s.dt.nTable).offset().top; this.s.tableBottom = $(this.s.dt.nTable).height() + this.s.tableTop; var draw = function () { that.s.dt._iDisplayStart = that.s.targetTop; that.s.dtApi.draw('page'); }; /* Do the DataTables redraw based on the calculated start point - note that when * using server-side processing we introduce a small delay to not DoS the server... */ if (this.s.dt.oFeatures.bServerSide) { this.s.forceReposition = true; // This is used only for KeyTable and is not currently publicly // documented. Open question - is it useful for anything else? $(this.s.dt.nTable).triggerHandler('scroller-will-draw.dt'); if (DataTable.versionCheck('2')) { that.s.dtApi.processing(true); } else { this.s.dt.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay(this.s.dt, true); } clearTimeout(this.s.drawTO); this.s.drawTO = setTimeout(draw, this.s.serverWait); } else { draw(); } } } else { this.s.topRowFloat = this.pixelsToRow(iScrollTop, false, true); } /* Update the table's information display for what is now in the viewport */ this._info(); this.s.lastScrollTop = iScrollTop; this.s.stateSaveThrottle(); if (this.s.scrollType === 'jump' && this.s.mousedown) { this.s.labelVisible = true; } if (this.s.labelVisible) { var labelFactor = (heights.viewport - heights.labelHeight - heights.xbar) / heights.scroll; this.dom.label .html( this.s.dt.fnFormatNumber( parseInt(this.s.topRowFloat, 10) + 1 ) ) .css('top', iScrollTop + iScrollTop * labelFactor) .css('display', 'block'); } }, /** * Force the scrolling container to have height beyond that of just the * table that has been drawn so the user can scroll the whole data set. * * Note that if the calculated required scrolling height exceeds a maximum * value (1 million pixels - hard-coded) the forcing element will be set * only to that maximum value and virtual / physical domain transforms will * be used to allow Scroller to display tables of any number of records. * @returns {void} * @private */ _scrollForce: function () { var heights = this.s.heights; var max = 1000000; heights.virtual = heights.row * this.s.dt.fnRecordsDisplay(); heights.scroll = heights.virtual; if (heights.scroll > max) { heights.scroll = max; } // Minimum height so there is always a row visible (the 'no rows found' // if reduced to zero filtering) this.dom.force.style.height = heights.scroll > this.s.heights.row ? heights.scroll + 'px' : this.s.heights.row + 'px'; } }); /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statics * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Scroller default settings for initialisation * @namespace * @name Scroller.defaults * @static */ Scroller.defaults = { /** * Scroller uses the boundary scaling factor to decide when to redraw the table - which it * typically does before you reach the end of the currently loaded data set (in order to * allow the data to look continuous to a user scrolling through the data). If given as 0 * then the table will be redrawn whenever the viewport is scrolled, while 1 would not * redraw the table until the currently loaded data has all been shown. You will want * something in the middle - the default factor of 0.5 is usually suitable. * @type float * @default 0.5 * @static */ boundaryScale: 0.5, /** * The display buffer is what Scroller uses to calculate how many rows it should pre-fetch * for scrolling. Scroller automatically adjusts DataTables' display length to pre-fetch * rows that will be shown in "near scrolling" (i.e. just beyond the current display area). * The value is based upon the number of rows that can be displayed in the viewport (i.e. * a value of 1), and will apply the display range to records before before and after the * current viewport - i.e. a factor of 3 will allow Scroller to pre-fetch 1 viewport's worth * of rows before the current viewport, the current viewport's rows and 1 viewport's worth * of rows after the current viewport. Adjusting this value can be useful for ensuring * smooth scrolling based on your data set. * @type int * @default 9 * @static */ displayBuffer: 9, /** * Scroller will attempt to automatically calculate the height of rows for it's internal * calculations. However the height that is used can be overridden using this parameter. * @type int|string * @default auto * @static */ rowHeight: 'auto', /** * When using server-side processing, Scroller will wait a small amount of time to allow * the scrolling to finish before requesting more data from the server. This prevents * you from DoSing your own server! The wait time can be configured by this parameter. * @type int * @default 200 * @static */ serverWait: 200 }; Scroller.oDefaults = Scroller.defaults; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constants * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Scroller version * @type String * @default See code * @name Scroller.version * @static */ Scroller.version = '2.4.3'; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Initialisation * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ // Attach a listener to the document which listens for DataTables initialisation // events so we can automatically initialise $(document).on('preInit.dt.dtscroller', function (e, settings) { if (e.namespace !== 'dt') { return; } var init = settings.oInit.scroller; var defaults = DataTable.defaults.scroller; if (init || defaults) { var opts = $.extend({}, init, defaults); if (init !== false) { new Scroller(settings, opts); } } }); // Attach Scroller to DataTables so it can be accessed as an 'extra' $.fn.dataTable.Scroller = Scroller; $.fn.DataTable.Scroller = Scroller; // DataTables 1.10 API method aliases var Api = $.fn.dataTable.Api; Api.register('scroller()', function () { return this; }); // Undocumented and deprecated - is it actually useful at all? Api.register('scroller().rowToPixels()', function (rowIdx, intParse, virtual) { var ctx = this.context; if (ctx.length && ctx[0].oScroller) { return ctx[0].oScroller.rowToPixels(rowIdx, intParse, virtual); } // undefined }); // Undocumented and deprecated - is it actually useful at all? Api.register('scroller().pixelsToRow()', function (pixels, intParse, virtual) { var ctx = this.context; if (ctx.length && ctx[0].oScroller) { return ctx[0].oScroller.pixelsToRow(pixels, intParse, virtual); } // undefined }); // `scroller().scrollToRow()` is undocumented and deprecated. Use `scroller.toPosition() Api.register( ['scroller().scrollToRow()', 'scroller.toPosition()'], function (idx, ani) { this.iterator('table', function (ctx) { if (ctx.oScroller) { ctx.oScroller.scrollToRow(idx, ani); } }); return this; } ); Api.register('row().scrollTo()', function (ani) { var that = this; this.iterator('row', function (ctx, rowIdx) { if (ctx.oScroller) { var displayIdx = that .rows({ order: 'applied', search: 'applied' }) .indexes() .indexOf(rowIdx); ctx.oScroller.scrollToRow(displayIdx, ani); } }); return this; }); Api.register('scroller.measure()', function (redraw) { this.iterator('table', function (ctx) { if (ctx.oScroller) { ctx.oScroller.measure(redraw); } }); return this; }); Api.register('scroller.page()', function () { var ctx = this.context; if (ctx.length && ctx[0].oScroller) { return ctx[0].oScroller.pageInfo(); } // undefined }); export default DataTable;