addColumn('action', 'DummyAction') ->setRowId('id'); } /** * Get the query source of dataTable. */ public function query(ModelName $model): QueryBuilder { return $model->newQuery(); } /** * Optional method if you want to use the html builder. */ public function html(): HtmlBuilder { return $this->builder() ->setTableId('DummyTableId') ->columns($this->getColumns()) ->minifiedAjax() //->dom('DummyDOM') ->orderBy(1) ->selectStyleSingle() ->buttons([ DummyButtons ]); } /** * Get the dataTable columns definition. */ public function getColumns(): array { return [ Column::computed('action') ->exportable(false) ->printable(false) ->width(60) ->addClass('text-center'), DummyColumns ]; } /** * Get the filename for export. */ protected function filename(): string { return 'DummyFilename_' . date('YmdHis'); } }